Chiari Check is a tool to aid diagnosis and monitoring of Canine Chiari pain and syringomyelia for all at risk breeds and crosses
Treatment Algorithm 2025 - Canine Chiari and Syringomyelia
University of Surrey Ref: Prof Clare Rusbridge,
Professor in Veterinary Neurology
How to use this page
The Canine Chiari and syringomyelia treatment algorithm is now supported by many YouTube videos (some listed at the end of the document)
You can access the videos by clicking on underscored words → Click!
The Canine Chiari and syringomyelia treatment algorithm is also supported by Chiari-Check. A diagnostic tool which generates a Chiari-pain and SM-score to help determine if Canine Chiari or syringomyelia is likely before an MRI scan (or if MRI not possible) and ultimately to monitor clinical signs. →
Chiari-Check is still under development developed and will improve in accuracy in time
The Canine Chiari and syringomyelia treatment algorithm is intended for veterinary surgeons and drugs should only be prescribed under the care of a veterinary surgeon
Please refer to your national guidelines - gabapentinoiddrugs and CBD oil are controlled in many countries and all the drugs indicated in the algorithm are being used off label and care givers should be advised accordingly
The video explaining the CMSM treatment algorithm can be accessed → Here
Medical Treatment algorithm 2025 - Chiari-Pain
Assumes poor / inadequate response to NSAID or other licenced medication